5 Tips for developing an insurance blog that people will read
5 Tips for developing an insurance blog that people will read
You’ve heard it all before. It’s not breaking news that blogs are good for business. But is it possible to build an insurance blog that actually tempts your prospects to read on? Of course it is. It may take a little more work and imagination to make insurance as interesting to your readers as it is to you, but who better to take on the challenge than you? Try these five tips to make your blog one that people will read.
Define your goals.
Why are you developing your agency’s blog? There are lots of good reasons to blog. Perhaps you want to boost your website’s SEO, or maybe you want to entice new visitors to your website. It could be that you’re trying to build industry authority or that you sincerely want to help consumers have a clearer understanding of insurance. Deciding what you want to accomplish with your insurance blog will help you make decisions about content, format, and audience while also building a sense of continuity and purpose.
Identify your ideal audience.
You’ve heard the old saying, “When you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.” Nowhere is that more true than when you’re trying to build a blog audience for the sake of your insurance agency. Whether your goal is to drive traffic to your website, establish your authority, or both, you’ve got to appeal to the audience most likely to match your target market.
Deliver meaningful content.
If you’re an established agency, you already have a look-alike audience at your fingertips. Reach out to them to learn what they want to know about insurance and how they prefer to consume their content. Not only will your clients appreciate the fact that you’re asking for their input, you’ll likely come away with more ideas than you can even begin to cover in one year’s worth of blog posts. You’ll also get insight into the variety of content forms that you can use to make your blog more engaging.
Use an easily-digestible format.
Most modern consumers do their online reading via a tablet or smartphone. That means it’s important to keep your paragraphs short and easy to read on a small screen. Dividing your post content using subheadings makes it more skimmable, and it also boosts SEO. Plain language, bullet points and visual aids further enhance the readability of your blog posts.
Share often.
People can’t read your blog posts if they don’t know they exist. Fortunately, in the age of social media and innovative blog sharing platforms like Facebook and Disqus, it’s easier than ever to reach a wider audience with a few button clicks. Because social media posts have such a short shelf life, it’s perfectly acceptable to share the same blog post several times a month. Just switch up your caption to keep it fresh.
Interested in learning more about blogging and content marketing as a strategy for building your reputation and boosting your prospects? Get in touch with the insurance marketing specialists at AgenciesOnline!