Marketing to Caregivers and Children of Aging Adults
Marketing to Caregivers and Children of Aging Adults
As the population of the United States ages, unpaid caregiving is on the rise. In fact, a 2019 report by AARP revealed that 41 million caregivers were providing nearly $470 billion in unpaid assistance to elderly family members. In addition to helping with daily living activities (ADLs), these caregivers spend hours every month researching medical problems, financial issues, healthcare providers, and insurance-related issues. As such, they wield significant authority when it comes to making healthcare decisions, communicating with medical professionals and insurance providers, and advocating on behalf of their elderly loved ones.
How to help caregivers help you
Many caregivers in America are also working parents. They have very little time to dedicate to the extra challenges and calculations presented by their new role as caregiver. Often, they have little support. They rely heavily on the internet for expedient healthcare information and on online communities for virtual advice and encouragement. Savvy insurance agents find ways to use these well-traveled channels to meet influential caregivers where they already are.
Be the caregiver to caregivers
Caregivers accept the responsibility of an elderly parent because they care about their well-being. They want what’s best for their aging mom or dad, and they want to know you’re on the same page. But deep down, they want a little more. They want relief, too. Remember to craft your messaging so that it shows the benefits of your services and products not only to the patient but to the patient’s caregiver.
Help overwhelmed caregivers make decisions
Trusted guidance is one of the most valuable benefits you can offer caregivers. They’re already online looking for the right information to help make what may be a hard decision. Make it easier. Create blog posts, videos, and other content that help caregivers come to informed, confident decisions on their loved one’s behalf.
Get out in the real world
Believe it or not, there are people who are so busy they don’t even have time to scroll through Facebook or check their inboxes. They’re running an aging parent to a doctor’s appointment or swinging by the grocery store. They’re on their way to the pharmacist or exhausted in front of the television. Put your ads out where even chore-burdened caregivers will see them - on billboards, in radio spots, on tabletop brochures in waiting rooms, and on television.
Offer support
Connecting with caregivers through in-person events, online forums, and other interactive experiences can take some of the stress and loneliness out of caregiving. It also positions your organization as a compassionate, caring community that improves the quality of life of both caregiver and patient.
How to learn more about your target markets
Insurance marketing is complex. Multiple markets exist for each unique product and service, and the end users aren’t always the key decision makers. To ensure your marketing campaigns and channels are reaching the right markets, get help from AgenciesOnline. We have years of experience in the field, and we’ve got cutting-edge technology and resources on hand to identify and target your most promising prospects.
In addition to supporting your marketing efforts, we’ve partnered with BeneTechs to offer support to your policyholders’ caregivers. Get in touch to learn about BeneTechs CareGard, a unique add-on benefit for adult caregivers.